About: Seminars and Talks
If you or your organization is interested in hearing Dan Goodwin give seminars on:
1) You Are What You Think:
You’ve heard the saying…”You are what you eat.” Well now there
is another…”You are what you think.” For the first time Dan Goodwin
shares his techniques of how one can master their thoughts and
beliefs to achieve their lifelong dreams.
For booking information please contact…. motivationbookings@skyscraperdefense.com
2) Fear – Your Unknown Ally:
It’s inescapable. Fear is everywhere. It’s in our morning newspapers.
On the evening news. Record amounts of people are losing their
homes. Price of oil is shooting to the moon. Add that to the fear
of failure. Fear of not being accepted. Fear of not being loved,
and we have created a society that lives on Prozac. Well now there
is a way of making that fear work for you - by making it your
For booking information please contact…. motivationbookings@skyscraperdefense.com